Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where the heck have I been?!?

The short answer... In love ;) It's grand I tell ya, and also a diet breaker!

So this post will have to be short and sweet because I am at work- however, they now have a Blogger app so I am able to do it on the go...Blog that is ;)

So where we left off is not important- but here is a recap of my final weigh in:

Weight: 174.3
Stomach: 33 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Boobs: 38.5 inches

So you can see from my previous weigh in, I did go down some.... However, going out to dinner, drinking more often, changing jobs and workout schedules have all changed that!!! I have NO clue where I am at now, other then not feeling at my best--- so, I started running again! I will weigh in again on Dec 1st and start tracking numbers all over again! Until then....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Miss Me?!

So I am sure by now you all thought to yourselves, "Ashley quit, she gave up, this weight loss stuff is hard...." Well no I didn't.  Life has been interesting to say the least.  Let me do a quick recap- Missed August's weigh in for a legit reason, lost my job, went on vacation, and now am living the life for an unemployed-can't spend a penny-sit on your butt searching for hours a day trying to find a new job-person.  Now for the details.  

August 1st weigh in:  I decided not to weigh in simply due to my work schedule.  I had worked really really hard that month, and because of my vacation I had to pull 4, 12 hour shifts back to back, getting off of work August 1st at 7 am.  On any given weekend that I work,  I could easily be 6 pounds higher then normal, so after eating rabbit food, busting my butt in the gym, and controlling my snacking, I was NOT getting on the scale, especially seeing as there were additional hormonal considerations too.  My plan was to weigh in when I got back from vacation.... With the intention of making me watch carefully what I ate on vacation.  
Losing my job: Oh that's right... After 2 years of flawless-and I do mean flawless employment, I was rewarded by my director calling me as I sat on the plane (literally) telling me to look for a new job.  Thank you Fish Memorial, now go jump off a cliff and land on a pile of rusty AIDS infected needles please.  What's the first thing a chubster does when they get bad news?  Eat.... Whats the first thing an alcoholic does when they get bad news?  Drink... Whats the first thing I did after I got the bad news?  Ran... and to this day I cannot tell you why I didn't go for the tequila.  Running in Georgia which practically has mountains bigger then I've seen was not easy.  I did really well on my vacation- I ate healthy clean foods, I only drank 3 ounces... yes 3, not 30 ounces, of red wine, and was as active as I could be with taking care of twins, I went for a little run every day, went to the gym most nights and changed diapers in between... (See Picture Below) I spent $7.44 on vacation, and ironically it was on Frozen Yogurt haha... However, when I flew back home, reality set in and the fact that I could lose everything I have worked hard for began to be over whelming.  I started looking for a job right away, and am just now getting call backs.  Since I still work PT at the gym, my membership is free... I also cant spend any money, and in about 3 months my car is going to get repo'ed- so the way I look at getting fired??? I am fixin' to be in the best shape ever!  Thank you Fish Memorial.... Now all you creepy doctors, nurses, and janitorial staff who tried hitting on me while I worked there... Come throw your dollars at me while I dance around a stripper pole because I can't find honest work!  I'll make you holla for a dolla whoop whoop
Life as a bum: I sleep, wake up early to job hunt, go to the gym, come home, go to the gym, practice voodoo on Fish Memorial, come home, go to the gym, come home, practice voodoo on Fish Memorial, go to the gym....And repeat.  I have done yoga 4 times this week, pilates once, signed up to TEACH a pilates class (what the hell was I smoking) and have made new spin playlists.  Results... I feel PHENOMENAL.  Seriously, I feel the best that I have in a long time... Take that Fish Memorial and shove it.... I have already lost weight, inches, and can see definition in places I am not sure should be seen.  I have managed to get myself in yoga positions that I didn't think possible and even out of them without being on a stretcher.  All in all, I am doing OK.  I have my moments thats for sure, am still actively making my hit list... Tammy, your number 1 babe... Watch out :) but all in all, I am going to be OK.  I have a great family, great friends, a free gym membership, and working on a great body... Life as a bum sure is fun!  Now my poor spinning followers may disagree.... See picture below-

And that was after 1 one hour class.  Awweee yea....

So there is a little recap on my life so far.  I am going to weigh in September 1st like usual, so stayed tuned for those details.  I will say though, that so far, I have lost 1 inch off my stomach, and approx. 2 pounds.  Doesnt seem like a lot- I agree!  I really feel it though so I am telling myself that's all that matters.... I met this new hot little number, who's goal is to eat himself out of house and home trying to GAIN weight (I don't know why we still are talking either... I eat carrots, he eats 9 meals a day... :) Oh that's right... he's hot.)  He has a passion for achieving his fitness goals as well (even though they are almost opposite of mine) so being around someone who isn't tempting me with eating out or drinking all the time is a really nice thing.  Maybe this guy stuff isn't so bad after all!  

Missed you all, and hope you missed me! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Advocare Herbal Cleanse

Well it's that time again... Cleanse Time that is... Whoooo Hooo. 

Nothing glamorous about this stage in the game, but after I did this the last time, I do believe that it is essential in a healthy lifestyle.  I am obviously doing Advocare's cleanse because I 1- Have done it in the past, and 2- Get a discount.  It's a 10 day cleanse so it is very mild and safe- won't leave you stranded within 10 feet of a bathroom at all times... Peaches and Cream is the way to go.... Actually, I don't think I would do it again if I had to EVER drink the citrus one again. 

You start off every morning taking a fiber drink with breakfast, and then at night is when you take the cleansers--- It's when all the gastrointestinal magic happens :) Then, towards the end of the 10 cycle, you also start adding in a pro biotic.  I did take my weight for the first day, just to see if I lose anything-- Can't share those numbers though because it's cheating for my August 1st weigh in...

Here is me chugging Day 1!  Yes, I am in a towel, Yes I just got out of the shower, and Yes I chugged quickly! 

In 10 days, I will post how I felt, and how much I lost!!!  Here's to a CLEAN 10 days!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Back Workouts

I had my brother take some pictures of my favorite back exercises, but the gym was busy that day and quite frankly I get embarrassed, so there are only a few.  I love back day so I do so many more workouts then what is pictured... I am hoping to workout with this guy one day on back so he can show me some more ideas----- or just so I can stare at his huge muscles :) either one works for me... you choose what to believe!

Lat Pull Down:
I can go relatively heavy- or at least I like to believe so for a girl!  Some people move their upper body when they do this and quite frankly I want to smack em every time!  Wrong!!!  And bad form, so even though they can go heavier then maybe I can- what good is it doing?  Also, I like to pause and hold every time my hands are near my chest- Gets a good burn going!  Makes for a skinnier looking waist ladies!  It's all about faking it... (That's what she said!)

Close Grip Lat Pull Down:
Same thing, yet I usually have to go a little lighter.  Really targets the inner upper back muscles! 

Straight Arm Pull Downs-
My favorite by far!  I love this one because if you suck in while doing it, your stomach looks flat and your butt looks bigger... All an illusion of your imagination, but for those few short moments of not breathing... I am a skinny curvy little salsa dancer... Then breathing becomes essential :) (Please excuse my faces in these pictures... I had just seen an OLD ex and breathing was really limited so I would look skinnier- I ain't afraid to tell the truth shoot!)

Again, I do a lot more then just these three- but I am not trying to look like one of those snobby girls who thinks she should be photographed at the gym... Can't stand that!!!  So I called the picture taking sessions off after my dear sweet (jerk) ex was there!  I still gotta get the Shoulders/Bi's/Tri's day photos! 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 1, 2011

So today was the 60 day mark- and I have to say that I am happy with my results.  I do wish the scale would reflect some lower numbers, but I am lifting heavy too, so ultimately what is most important to me is the inches and the way I feel. 

May 1st 
Weigh in: 183.2 pounds

Bust: 40 inches
Stomach: 37 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Jean size: 10/12

June 1st
Weigh In: 180.5 lbs
Bust: 39 inches
Stomach: 36.5 inches
Hips:41 inches
Jean size: 10/12

July 1st
Weigh In: 176.8 lbs
Bust: 38.5 inches (Thank God the girls aren't going away too easily!)
Stomach: 33 inches
Hips: 41 inches (I think it's just all my muscle building in my glutes :) )
Jean Size: 10

Total Lost in 60 Days:
Weight: 6.4 lbs
Bust: 1.5 inches
Stomach: 4 inches
Hips: 2 inches

So this morning when I saw how much my stomach dropped, instantly I was happy- Then I was REALLY happy when I realized that a hard month of doing good results in one really really really bad, but oh so stinkin’ glorious cheat meal…. And my mouth was salivating!  I didn’t know what I wanted, but I could promise you it was NOT going to be grilled chicken, boiled shrimp, lean turkey, tuna fish made with 1 tbsp of fat free mayo, ¼ cup of brown rice, or salad… In fact, I didn’t even wanna see anything green in my cheat meal unless it was covered in cheese.  So a greasy cheeseburger was the winner- and I wanted bacon and fries… Problem- I missed the turn to Five Guys… I took it as a sign from God that I was supposed to end up at the Chinese Buffet because I DIDN’T miss that turn. 

I walked in, let’s not lie… I RAN in like a starving Ethiopian at an all you can eat white rice giveaway - grabbed a plate, and headed straight to the Lo Mein… It was seriously like a magnetic pull- Ashley and Noodles were about to be reunited like Sonny and Cher (pre-death obviously)… I loaded up that plate with General Tso’s Chicken, Bourbon Chicken, Honey Chicken, Black Pepper Chicken, 1 Fried Dumpling, one scoop of broccoli… wait!!!  I wasn’t supposed to have any veggies, unless they were covered in cheese right?!  HaHa, don’t you worry, I didn’t forget…I chose to pick my 1 scoop from the CHEESIEST section of the broccoli J And then, placed on top of my plateful of “fat assness” was one deliciously golden, perfectly crisp, amazing egg roll-in all of its fried gloriousness.  Ahhh heart attack heaven!  I will spare you the embarrassing details of my actual food consumption as I am sure all table manners ceased to exist, but let me tell you- for those few minutes, until my GI Tract said “what the hell are you doing?!” I was in a peaceful heaven where weight didn’t matter, working out was only for fun, and being larger just meant there was more to hug.

Good news, after one plate I was so beyond disgustingly full, I couldn’t imagine putting anything in my mouth other then my finger.  At least my minus 4 inches stomach was putting a stop to my outrageous behavior before those little Asians got scared and I was hauled away in a white straight jacket talking to my egg roll.  Thankfully, I had to work that night and was able to get to bed quickly because I thought I was dying a slow and painful death.  Never again… Well at least never again this month!  Ironically, this was my “Learn Chinese” fortune cookie…

Now, if that doesn’t scream “Feeling Guilty yet fat ass?!?!  Mooooooooo” I don’t know what does.  J

All jokes aside, I really do feel like it is super important to reward yourself after being crazy strict for a month.  Let’s face it, I didn’t get to 200 pounds because carrots were my favorite meal- I got there because cheat meals were just a way of life!  I always joke that my mom craves veggies, and I crave KFC.  Its just a different mentality-probably one that will never go away so I just learn to deal with it by rewarding myself for good behavior. 

My plan is to stick with the same eating plan as last month because clearly it worked, but I would like to add some more running-well I don’t want to really but I do think it would help.  I did 30 minutes on the stair master-AKA Death Trap- today and as I was panting, gasping for air, and making up new curse words, I figured I should start doing that torture device at least twice a week.  And I think I may even start swimming-eek, bathing suit-twice a week in the early mornings when no one is awake enough to see me J That’s gonna be a mental battle though, so I can’t lie, it may not happen… I’d like to be closer to the 170 mark then I am now, but without sacrificing muscle building.  I am finally starting to see definition in my arms and back and I want to build up on that rather then just worry about losing pounds.  Keep your fingers crossed!  I am heading into the last two months of summer, and I really wanna be a pinch shy of my goals by the time my fall semester starts. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unexpected set back...

Unfortunately a few months ago I injured my back doing a leg workout and was out of commission for almost 6 weeks.  I was able to do some things but nothing at its full capacity... Well this week on Tuesday it happened again.  Boo!

I was instantly upset, and wanted to cry.  I've done really  good this month and don't wanna stop!  I taught class about 30 minutes after it happened and I was OK on the bike, however, I couldn't stand up straight when it was over.  I found coverage for my night class that night, and am taking about 4 days off until I have to teach again to give it some rest.

Already it feels a lot better now then it did the first time it happened, but I still have to be careful.  I am really hoping that I am able to finish this month strong... I was starting to feel really good, and I certainly don't wanna go backwards. 

Until then, I will need to focus on eating really good (I say this after I cheated and had California Pizza Kitchen Wednesday--I DID plan for it though!) and I officially broke my dry spell and had the most delicious little cocktail ever!  I made it 1 whole month!!!!  However, I am back to eating strict and not drinking as of Thursday... boring!

I have one full week until I weigh in... I will be weighing in on Thursday June 30th this month because I refuse to weigh in during the days that I work since I eat dinner at 1 am!  I can weigh 6 pounds different between a Sunday and Monday and I want to be as accurate as possible!  Most likely that will be my next post... Keep your fingers crossed!  Man do I want a good weigh in! 

Chest Workout

Let's face it, I am not a guy... I don't have that mentality, "I pick things up and put them down"... Therefore, chest day is probably my least favorite day.  I guess I would like it more if I noticed a huge difference, but I only do it to do it... Its not like I wake up and have these beautifully defined pecs--- I was born a female which means boobs, which means fat- Just a fact.  So while I do a decently long chest workout, here are only a few pictures of a couple things...

Bench Press-

I generally do 3 sets of however many reps I do, around 105 pounds... Wider spread hands to target what I politely call "Boob Fat" or "Arm Pit Fat" and bring the bar all the way down, touch my chest and all the way up.  I also do this on the decline bench and the incline bench but we didn't get pictures of those.

Chest Press-
This machine is a good one, but I will admit I do not always do.  A lot of guys tend to crowd around this one as if it was a hot naked girl, so I take advantage when it's free, and don't stress when it's not.  Gets a good burn going on the "Boob Fat" area.  I don't go to heavy-maybe up to 35 pounds each side? 

Chest Fly-
My favorite of them all!  Total "Arm Pit Fat" buster!  I do go heavy for these-anywhere between 100-145 pounds... I hate that stupid armpit fat...

Now for those of you who want to know if you have armpit fat... Stand in front of a mirror wearing only a bra, drop your hands to your sides... The "roll" that is between your armpit, and boob.... Yup that's what I sweetly call "Arm Pit Fat" or "Boob Fat"- I hate it.  It's one of those things that make me go "Ugh"

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Let me start off by saying, Mom, I am not pregnant, so please regain your composure, pick yourself off the ground, and let's make sure your O2 stats are at 100%--breathe in and out...repeat... Good.

Unless you KNOW 100% that someone is in fact pregnant, keep your mouth closed!!! 

Yes, that is right... Busting my ass in the gym 6 days a week, living life with a belly that always growls, and eating carrots instead of Snickers has earned me the pleasure of being asked tonight "Are you pregnant?"  By a male co-worker none the less, who sees me every week!  Am I pregnant?  No... But in about 5 seconds your gonna wish that pain shooting from your groin was a result of you being pregnant....But wait, it gets better... He then tries to recant and say, "Well it was just the way that you were standing..."  Ummmmmm, pretty much translates to "you're back was arched so your bigger then life belly was protruding outwards causing me to think there was a small village growing inside you."  Keep digging... You're no where near being out of this one yet... 


I debated writing anything about it, but then I remembered what I originally wrote in my first blog: I am writing both good and bad... This is a bad moment.  It does further prove what I always say: "You can take the fat out of the girl, but you can't take the girl out of the fat."  I truly do believe that when you battle your weight, you will always have that fat girl mentality.  It is something that I will always struggle with apparently, and I will just have to accept that. 

Ironically, I was just saying tonight that I was having a skinny day... Ladies you know what I am talking about... the kind of days where your clothes feel good, your belly feels flat, and you're motivated to keep going... Love those days!  ---- Then you get asked if your pregnant...

I can't lie, instantly tonight I thought to myself, what is the point of doing this, if I am going to get asked the sex of my "baby"???  The answer is this: The point of doing this is to be healthy... To be active... To live a long life watching my kids raise their kids... The point is to be the best that my body is able to be, to look the best that I can- not for some janitor at the hospital who is about 70 pounds over weight himself, but for me... OK and let's not lie, the hot  muscular guys covered in tattoos at the gym :)

So am I upset?  Sure... Did I cry? You bet...It hurt!  No other way around it... Stuff like that sucks, but it did make me wanna work out, not eat a snickers!  I am going to channel that frustration at the gym in the morning so that this cannot ever happen again. 

Now if you excuse me, my baby belly is growling for some more salad.  After all, I am eating for two apparently...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just wanted to say that I added two new workouts to my leg/butt post in May... Pictures included also.

I am going to work this week and next for taking more pictures of other muscle groups and show you my favorites there too!  

Saturday, June 11, 2011


So I am officially an AdvoCare Distributor!  Distinguished professionals from the fields of nutrition, pharmacology, biology, kinesiology and medicine formulate nutritional solutions that are based on solid science and created with the highest-quality ingredients.

Take a look at the website

If something sparks your interest, let me know... Any questions, let me know and I will get back with you personally ASAP with answers. 

The following are a few of my personal favorite products!

Meal Replacement Shakes- Chocolate is WAY good!  24g of protein, lots of fiber, and totally fills you up!

Catalyst- Protein in a pill format!  How great is that???  When your on the go or in between meals, pop three to maintain your metabolism and build lean muscle.

Herbal Cleanse- TRUST ME- Peaches and Cream is the way to go...Citrus... not so much... VERY VERY gentle and user friendly.  It's a 10 day program, so results are slower and nicer then an instant laxative.  Helps nutrients in your diet and other supplements absorb better.

Rehydrate- Amazing way to revitalize your water loss.  Hint: Take before you drink, and after = less of a hangover :) (sorry mom!)

MAX MNS-E- Total energy booster via vitamins.  I took this and felt amazing! 

Spark- Enhances mental focus and stimulates the brain.  Many people replace their coffee and/or soda with this.  I chose to use it mid-day for the added energy boost--- makes for an AMAZING spin class.

They do offer a bundle package with almost everything here, plus a few additional items.  I did the 24 day challenge without restricting my diet that much and lost 5 pounds and 1 inch off my belly.  I wish that I had been more strict because it is not uncommon at all for people to use this bundle package to jump start a healthier lifestyle and lose up to 20 pounds.  Come on, 24 days and 20 pounds?!?  Yes please!!!

I will offer discounts on an individual basis, so email/text/call me!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feelin' Skinny

So, I feel "skinny". Yay right?!?  Except that I cheated and weighed myself and well - it's the EXACT same... One week of eating veggies and lean meat, teaching 6 spin classes in four days, NOT drinking, and it's the same?!  Are you kidding me?  That's what I get for cheating and weighing myself!  Serious face, I went out last night and drank water... WATER!!!  My friend drank beer, ate nachos, quesadilla's, mozzarella sticks, and chicken wings.... Horrid people!  Me and my WATER sucked it up and imaged them all fat and jiggly...

I am going to try to forget the horrid numbers on that darn scale and focus on the fact that I feel GREAT!  I finally feel less pudgy and stronger.  My weight training is improving, I am lifting more, heavier, and better again.  My breathing when I run is better, but not great- it is summer in Florida though so let's just take that with a grain of salt- and my cycle classes are right on track for a good butt whoopin'!  I have been going religiously to the gym Sunday thru Friday, lifting weights 6 days a week and doing cardio either once or twice a day 4-5 days a week.  I'd like to maintain cardio at five days every week, but with teaching so many classes, the last thing I want to do on a day I don't teach cycle is get on a bike.... Ouch!  

My food has been good- cheating is actually something that I am very aware of for the first time in a while.  I think about everything that I put in my mouth (that's what she said...HaHa) Lately I have been following a plan similar to the following:
1 slice pumpernickel bread
3 slice of lean turkey
1 laughing cow cheese wedge
honey mustard
1% Fage 0% Greek Yogurt

Mid Morning Snack:
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein
10 ounces water

1 cup Spinach lettuce
5 ounce tuna fish 
1tbsp of light mayo
1/2 cup of cottage cheese

Mid Afternoon Snack:
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Powder
10 ounces water

6 ounce lean meat (mostly chicken) 
1 cup steamed veggies
1/4 cup brown rice

Desert (occasionally, not always):
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Powder
10 ounces water
1 Smart Ones desert

I stay full constantly and it's because of healthy protein so I am pleased with that.  If I don't lose more weight/inches this month though, I am gonna cry! 

I have been getting complimented at the gym a lot by fellow members and that's a great feeling.  One guy told me that I was getting a lil bubble in my booty... I told him I loved him... I was three seconds shy of asking him to marry me and be my baby's daddy it was such a good compliment!!!  Today was back day and someone behind me stated that my definition was looking incredible these days... And Sunday, two different guys told me that I had intense shoulders for a chick!  Yay!!!!  All things in due time, I know, but let's face it... Compliments keep anyone, especially any girl, going!

I need to remember that the scale reflects numbers, but NOT how I feel.  I gotta keep going with that.  I feel great, people are telling me I am looking great, and ultimately isn't that what is most important?!  I think all women will battle the scale issue, and I am not different, but I have to make mental strides to control that temptation!  I may have to hide it though until I get stronger.  My will power right now is focused on saying no to bad foods, NOT on not weighing myself. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 1, 2011

So last month did not go as I originally wanted...But then again- I wanted to be tall, thin, tan, skinny, with big boobs, have my masters degree and land a guy with a huge....wallet.... :) So overall, it's not like my goals were actually achievable in month!  With that said, I can't lie, I was still disappointed in my weight results.  But then I remembered that this was a busy month!  My birthday, Lydia's Birthday, 1 week of binge drinking--still, they are excuses.  I couldn't remember my previous measurements until I looked at them today, and when I did, I was actually pleased...

May 1st 
Weigh in: 183.2 pounds (gross)
Bust: 40 inches (whooooo only bonus to gaining weight-the girls get bigger without spending $5K)
Stomach: 37 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Jean size: 10/12 (so clearly some is muscle!)

June 1st

Weigh In: 180.5 lbs (still gross)
Bust: 39 inches... (Goodbye imaginary DD's)
Stomach: 36.5 inches
Hips:41 inches
Jean size: 10/12

So am I where I wanted to be?  Heck no, but I made some progress... I told a friend that I didn't feel like I was losing weight but I felt like I was shrinking some, and based off my inches, I'd say that was right.  I changed my diet yet again, and today is day 3 on it... I am liking it so far, and trying to make it as friendly as possible so that I do not cheat--- So far I have been able to talk myself out of jumping face first into Peanut Butter M&M's--although I did stare at them on the shelf at Target today for like 5 minutes trying to justify spending $2.99 on a bag "for work" if I "only ate a serving size".  They stayed at Target. 

I haven't had a drink since May 22-not that I am counting- and I am gonna keep it that way until the next birthday or some event comes up.  I think that is a big deal, because when I drink, nachos become "diet friendly"---drinking and eating is like beer goggles for men! 

I am going to try really hard this month to watch the little add on's that I put in my mouth...My adorable nephews are coming down for July 4th and we are having the family over to meet them... I want to be comfortable in a bathing suit so that I can spend every minute I have with them playing in the water and such-- Let's face it... I already have bikini visible tattoos, purple hair, and a nose ring... Let's not add on being fat here!  I am asking to be labeled the black sheep of the family! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 3

It's been a lil' while since I have written about progress... It is now around the end of week three, and I will say that I feel good.  Not Great.  This week I BUSTED my butt in the gym, but it still is a struggle to get the motivation mentally I once had.  I was just speaking with a lady at work who is also trying to lose her last 15 pounds and my suggestion to her was to add something new... So, why am I not doing the same?!  

Last week was my birthday and mom took me to do the zipline in Sanford.  It was a fun way to spend two hours and still be active...Very active in fact... Swinging from trees and hurling myself across parking lots... Oh yes, I do have pictures and video of Ashley flying across ziplines and ending up wrapped around a tree... I will have to post when they are uploaded.  While I burned some calories, I do not think I burned off my dinner and dessert from Cheesecake Factory that night.... Or the 3 glasses of wine... BUT that was my cheat day and I stuck to my rule... "Go Big or Go Home".  However, I have been trying to be extra careful about what goes in my mouth... I have been watching, but not eliminating carbs, and sadly, very very very sadly I have been eliminating alcohol.  Sigh.  Tear.  Sigh again.

I started running again this week after having taken some time off.  I threw a little "miss priss" tantrum one morning, swearing that I HATE running, and that I DON'T wanna do this anymore... Yea well it lasted a few weeks and then that little runner bug came biting back.  Like mom and I said this week, I think once you're a runner, you can take time off, but you are always a runner at heart.  So this guy I met showed me this Nike Running App which seemed pretty cool so I downloaded it also.  I do like it... BUT what I like MORE then the App, is that it allows me to post my runs on FaceBook... The longest one I have seen him do is 3.56 miles... my SHORTEST one was 4.01(I really hope he doesn't follow this blog...) --- Competitive nature much?  Yup... But who cares, I still win.  If being more amazing then him holds me accountable to running-I'll take it.... And I wonder why I am single?!  :)

My body has seemed to accept that I am in diet mode, and the starvation feeling has finally stopped.  I am very careful to only eat when I am actually hungry not because I am bored-however I am also very careful to make sure I take in protein every 2-3 hours.  I have been eating, well drinking really, a lot of protein smoothies because they give me a good healthy protein/carb ratio and they are light and refreshing while its only 900 degrees outside.  It's not uncommon for me to have one for breakfast and lunch because it really is what I am craving.  I will say that I notice myself the hungriest when I am ready for bed... Lovely... My bodies own way of trying to make me fatter! Lets crave food at 11 pm so it can just stick on my insides all night.

So let's see- I have 13 days to my next weigh in.  I am pretty confident it will be down some, but maybe not as much as I was originally hoping for.  If I can step it up the next two weeks, I think I will be pleasantly surprised.  I am going to take my own advice to the lady at work and try to add something new in every day.  I am not sure yet, but I have some ideas- Swimming, Yoga, Treadmill Walking, Stair Death Chamber- I mean Climber.... I'd say rollar blading but this quest is about achieving my fullest healthiest potential... Not suicidal thoughts.  We will see how the next two weeks go!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Favorite Workouts-Legs & Butt

Taking discreet pictures is not easy, so Thank You Lydia!  Here are a few of my favorite workouts- adding new pictures each day a new muscle group is touched!

Calf Raises-

I do these in between squat sets, and I go heavy since there is a small range of motion- Here I was doing 150 lbs.  My favorite way is to go quick on the up motion, and slow on the downward motion.


Again, with some build up, you should be able to go a little heavier with these squats.  I was doing 100-150lbs here also.  3 sets of how ever many reps I can get!  Biggest thing with these is to make sure it is a "natural" feeling.  Should feel like you are sitting back into a chair- anything different will put strain on your back.

Squats on the Bosu Ball-

These are HARD!  I LOVE EM!!!  My thighs shake the entire time, and it's glorious!  Total Butt Blaster!  I have to go a little lighter, but I do drop back lower then with the heavier weighted ones, push up with the back of your legs and you will feel this in your tush tomorrow!

Dead Lifts-

Awesome for your hamstrings and glutes.  I did hurt my back a few months ago, and it has taken me some time to get the weight back to where it was.  I am still a little shy of how heavy I used to go so I try to do more reps instead.  One day I will get there!

Consider yourself lucky!  A butt shot?!  Are you kidding me?  Go big or go home though and this is where the majority of the work is focused!!!

Inclined Leg Press-

Probably my favorite of them all!  I used to get crazy heavy, but now I focus more on a heavy weight that I can also go knees to chest on.  (This is also the machine that you can do calf presses on)

Hamstring Curl-
Totally gets your hanstrings and glutes- AMAZING machine!  Start with your leg down, and pull all the way up behind you for a full range of motion.

Reverse Squat Butt Blaster-
Totally misusing a machine, but I love love love this one for my tush!  Instead of resting against the padding, face it, squat back pushing your butt all the way out, and then come back up by driving through your hamstrings and glutes.  Just look at my butt and legs in the pictures, not my belly fat please!!!  

These are just a few of my favorite-not all that I do.  If you all have ideas/suggestions let me know!  I am always looking into changing up and adding new things!  

Friday, May 13, 2011

Staying active and awake at work

There is a standing joke here at the hospital…
Q: “What is the difference between a night shift worker and an elephant?”
A: “5 Pounds”
(Insert “haha, funny funny” here) Now while some may find offense to that, I DO work the night shift, and I have to say, in a lot of cases I tend to agree!  The night shift staff- NOT just nurses- are some of the most unhealthy people around!!  For one, if people stopped dying at 2 am or having “life threatening blisters” (seriously, someone came in two weeks ago because a BLISTER the size of a DIME on her finger was so PAINFUL it constituted an emergency) we would be able to be asleep like a normal person… Which is what studies have shown best for our bodies.  Since that isn’t possible, the hospital stays open 24/7 therefore needing a 24/7 staff, and that would be us. 
The hospital doesn’t slow down until around 3 am… What food places are open at 3 am? Certainly not our cafeteria… Although, the food there is sometimes scarier then what I actually see in the ER… *Shudder* ….The answer is crappy ones… Also UNHEALTHY ones… Most of which involve mouth watering milkshakes which seem to be a common favorite probably because eating dinner through a straw is fast and easy, but also the sugar gives off enough of a high to get you through the rest of your shift.  So unless you plan ahead and bring your food you are pretty much up the creek without a paddle.  Even if you do bring your food, the chances that you are going to be able to sit and eat it without someone coming in for chest pain…AKA…heart burn…. are slim.
I do not want to be an elephant-cheetah maybe, elephant no… So, I have taken it upon myself to start a ritual of doing these few things EVERY HOUR I am at work.  They add up, and you don’t even feel it…until the next day…
10 push ups (none of this girly crap either…. Give me a real push up!)
10 sit ups (face the wall if you are in a skirt… No one likes a tease!)
10 jumping jacks (again, this isn’t Baywatch, face the wall)
You can finish this in under a minute.  EVERY one of us has 1 minute every hour, don’t lie (and if you don’t, you are probably already super skinny and fit from all that running around you’re doing!!)  If you REALLY TRULY do not have a minute, do twenty of everything next hour… I put my favorite song on my iPod and just do them without thinking-and they really add up… Let’s do the math (brace yourselves…. I am an English girl… Adjectives over Algebra any day!)
Normal Person Schedule (5 days a week, 8 hours a day):
                10 Push ups= 80/day, 400/week, 20,800/year
                10 Sit ups= 80/day, 400/week, 20,800/year
                10 Jumping Jacks= 80/day, 400/week, 20,800/year
(Totally checked with a calculator, just to NOT embarrass myself)
I would venture to say that the above is more then a lot of us do weekly, let alone without ever noticing we are doing it!  The first few days you will probably be sore because let’s not lie, 80 push ups is no joke… But with practice comes perfection and soon you will be upping everything to 20/hour!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am 3 hours into my shift and I have some catching up to do… By the end of the summer I want the above referenced joke to be:
Q: “What is the difference between a night shift worker and an elephant?”
A: “A Big Butt”

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Healthy Dinner Alternatives

I thought it may be helpful to share some healthy alternatives to eating out!  If you have any ideas/suggestions, please feel free to comment!

From Applebees-On there 550 calories or less menu... Signature Sirloin with Garlic Herb Shrimp and veggies---DELISH!  My new "treat".

From Zaxby's- The Black and Blue zalad... Grilled chicken instead of fried, and I always get the light vinaigrette dressing instead of something creamy.  It does come with Texas Toast, but I ask them to hold it since I will eat it if I see it! 

From P.F. Changs- Chicken Lettuce Wraps...So yummy, so flavorful and no heavy dressings.  According to the Fast Food App, They are only 153 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 15 carbs per serving

End of Week 1

So, I feel OK about the first week.  Nothing fantastic, nothing horrible.  Found that eating good was very doable and was not a struggle, even with it being a PMS week.  I didn't have huge cravings, but I did allow myself one cheat meal.  The thing that got me the most was the drinking.  I can usually go weeks without having a drink, but I drank a glass of wine Sunday, 2 glasses Monday, 5 glasses Tuesday (girls night-leave me alone), and 6 beers Friday night!  Friday nights I usually work, so since I had one off, I had to do something fun.... A girlfriend was having a "I hate men" night, and it was National Tuba Day (serious face) so we decided to make the most of it... Now I will say, all but 3 of my beers were Michelob Ultra, so I still tried! 

I feel like I need to be more prepared with fruits/veggies for the nights I am at work.  If I get bored I get snacky--- I plan to cut up both fruits and veggies to have on hand next weekend.  I also strayed away from salads only for dinner, and I noticed a difference there. I still ate healthy but when you are eating carbs at 1 am for dinner, you feel bloated and tired-so back to rabbit food it is!  I did some new workouts this week and loved em!  I am going to work on a blog with my favorite exercises the next few weeks- gotta get Lydia to take some discreet pictures at the gym ha! 

Overall, I could have done better, I could have been more strict, but I didn't do bad, and I worked out hard!  This week is my birthday, so I am allowing Wednesday night to be a cheat night--- I will be back in the gym early Thursday am, and also a lot of Tuesday!  I refuse to not live my life- just gotta be careful with my choices.  Hoping to do better this week...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Workout Routines/Supplements

Because I work out with a partner, I am sticking to a basic routine.  I teach 4 spin classes a week, and run with my mom early in the am (when I can get out bed!) twice a week, and then do weights 5/6 days a week.

Sunday- Spin Class, Bi's Tri's & Shoulders
Monday-Run, Chest, Spin Class
Tuesday-Legs, Spin Class
Wednesday-Run, Back, Spin Class
Thursday-Spin Class, Bi's Tri's & Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday-OFF (Whooo)

I am a firm believer in switching up your routines after a few months, so I just went from a 4x15 split to a 3x?? split.  The ?? because I am not counting reps, but going until muscle failure.  I try to stick with a weight heavy enough for 10-12 reps, but again that is not my main goal-if I can only get 9 with good form, that is where I stop.  I like this routine because it goes by quick, leaves me breathless, and I am always sore!  In 6-8 weeks, I will be switching back to a 6x8 program-I think. 

I by no means am an expert, but I do believe if you eat a sensible diet, you should not have to rely on supplements!  I think that a supplement should be taken along with a healthy diet, not instead of one!  I carry the Advocare product "Catalyst" with me for when I am out and about and not able to sit an eat a healthy meal- It provides protein in a pill form so that my body stays energized and I don't eat off the muscle I am trying hard to build!  Besides that, I am taking the following:

Optimum Nutrition-Whey Protein
Cellucor-C4, and M5 (not pictured)
Multi-Vitamin-Active Women

I have recently started taking the C4 or M5 and am REALLY impressed!  It's a pre-workout creatine nitrate supplement.  They seem very similar actually with the M5 focusing only slightly more on muscle growth.  The C4 is more affordable so right now I have been taking it 4 days a week and the M5 only 2, but am considering doing an equal 3/3 split. 

The vitamins are just because everyone says to take em.  I don't notice anything really, but it's only been a few days!  I don't eat fish, although I am determined to try to get there, so I do believe in taking the Omega-3 supplement.  Gotta get the healthy fats in there some how!  I do notice that if I take the vitamin packs on an empty stomach, I get queasy during my workouts.  I have to make sure that I eat... No if ands or buts about it. 

The protein powder I take post-workout.  I do a simple 1 scoop with water, or if I use as a meal, I take 1 scoop protein powder, 1/4 cup frozen unsweetened berries, 1/2 cup Light&Fit fat free vanilla yogurt, 4 ounces light V8 juice, and 1 medium banana and blend together.  I will also take the protein powder as a snack during the day if I am on the go or not really hungry- Its an easy way to get 24g of protein in about 130 calories. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Initial Stats-May 1st, 2011

Even though I told myself I would be honest on here, brutally or not, I spent all day thinking about whether to release my actual weight/measurements, as I am horrified that I let myself gain this much weight back.  Then I decided... Go Big or Go Home... I wanna Go Big--well actually I'd like to go skinny, but gotta get there first!  Not proud by this, but here it is-

May 1st 
Weigh in: 183.2 pounds (gross)
Bust: 40 inches (whooooo only bonus to gaining weight-the girls get bigger without spending $5K)
Stomach: 37 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Jean size: 10/12 (so clearly some is muscle!)

I was upset about my weight, but then also remembered I am coming off vacation last week where we drank all day and night, and I get my period in 7 days... Never a good time to weigh in, but regardless that is what the scale said.... Even though I did stand on it for about 5 minutes swearing that starvation would kick in and it would miraculously drop to 145.... It didn't. 

My next weigh in will be June 1st and a reminder is already set in my phone.  I will need help losing the weight as of right now, I have a lot to lose! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Before and After Photos

Probably around 195lbs there...TRYING to look athletic

My senoir year in High School... About 180lbs

My mother, friend, and running partner-Disney 10K

A bikini shot?!  Never did I dream I would take one of those!

Seasons 52 5K