Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feelin' Skinny

So, I feel "skinny". Yay right?!?  Except that I cheated and weighed myself and well - it's the EXACT same... One week of eating veggies and lean meat, teaching 6 spin classes in four days, NOT drinking, and it's the same?!  Are you kidding me?  That's what I get for cheating and weighing myself!  Serious face, I went out last night and drank water... WATER!!!  My friend drank beer, ate nachos, quesadilla's, mozzarella sticks, and chicken wings.... Horrid people!  Me and my WATER sucked it up and imaged them all fat and jiggly...

I am going to try to forget the horrid numbers on that darn scale and focus on the fact that I feel GREAT!  I finally feel less pudgy and stronger.  My weight training is improving, I am lifting more, heavier, and better again.  My breathing when I run is better, but not great- it is summer in Florida though so let's just take that with a grain of salt- and my cycle classes are right on track for a good butt whoopin'!  I have been going religiously to the gym Sunday thru Friday, lifting weights 6 days a week and doing cardio either once or twice a day 4-5 days a week.  I'd like to maintain cardio at five days every week, but with teaching so many classes, the last thing I want to do on a day I don't teach cycle is get on a bike.... Ouch!  

My food has been good- cheating is actually something that I am very aware of for the first time in a while.  I think about everything that I put in my mouth (that's what she said...HaHa) Lately I have been following a plan similar to the following:
1 slice pumpernickel bread
3 slice of lean turkey
1 laughing cow cheese wedge
honey mustard
1% Fage 0% Greek Yogurt

Mid Morning Snack:
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein
10 ounces water

1 cup Spinach lettuce
5 ounce tuna fish 
1tbsp of light mayo
1/2 cup of cottage cheese

Mid Afternoon Snack:
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Powder
10 ounces water

6 ounce lean meat (mostly chicken) 
1 cup steamed veggies
1/4 cup brown rice

Desert (occasionally, not always):
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Powder
10 ounces water
1 Smart Ones desert

I stay full constantly and it's because of healthy protein so I am pleased with that.  If I don't lose more weight/inches this month though, I am gonna cry! 

I have been getting complimented at the gym a lot by fellow members and that's a great feeling.  One guy told me that I was getting a lil bubble in my booty... I told him I loved him... I was three seconds shy of asking him to marry me and be my baby's daddy it was such a good compliment!!!  Today was back day and someone behind me stated that my definition was looking incredible these days... And Sunday, two different guys told me that I had intense shoulders for a chick!  Yay!!!!  All things in due time, I know, but let's face it... Compliments keep anyone, especially any girl, going!

I need to remember that the scale reflects numbers, but NOT how I feel.  I gotta keep going with that.  I feel great, people are telling me I am looking great, and ultimately isn't that what is most important?!  I think all women will battle the scale issue, and I am not different, but I have to make mental strides to control that temptation!  I may have to hide it though until I get stronger.  My will power right now is focused on saying no to bad foods, NOT on not weighing myself. 

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