Thursday, June 16, 2011


Let me start off by saying, Mom, I am not pregnant, so please regain your composure, pick yourself off the ground, and let's make sure your O2 stats are at 100%--breathe in and out...repeat... Good.

Unless you KNOW 100% that someone is in fact pregnant, keep your mouth closed!!! 

Yes, that is right... Busting my ass in the gym 6 days a week, living life with a belly that always growls, and eating carrots instead of Snickers has earned me the pleasure of being asked tonight "Are you pregnant?"  By a male co-worker none the less, who sees me every week!  Am I pregnant?  No... But in about 5 seconds your gonna wish that pain shooting from your groin was a result of you being pregnant....But wait, it gets better... He then tries to recant and say, "Well it was just the way that you were standing..."  Ummmmmm, pretty much translates to "you're back was arched so your bigger then life belly was protruding outwards causing me to think there was a small village growing inside you."  Keep digging... You're no where near being out of this one yet... 


I debated writing anything about it, but then I remembered what I originally wrote in my first blog: I am writing both good and bad... This is a bad moment.  It does further prove what I always say: "You can take the fat out of the girl, but you can't take the girl out of the fat."  I truly do believe that when you battle your weight, you will always have that fat girl mentality.  It is something that I will always struggle with apparently, and I will just have to accept that. 

Ironically, I was just saying tonight that I was having a skinny day... Ladies you know what I am talking about... the kind of days where your clothes feel good, your belly feels flat, and you're motivated to keep going... Love those days!  ---- Then you get asked if your pregnant...

I can't lie, instantly tonight I thought to myself, what is the point of doing this, if I am going to get asked the sex of my "baby"???  The answer is this: The point of doing this is to be healthy... To be active... To live a long life watching my kids raise their kids... The point is to be the best that my body is able to be, to look the best that I can- not for some janitor at the hospital who is about 70 pounds over weight himself, but for me... OK and let's not lie, the hot  muscular guys covered in tattoos at the gym :)

So am I upset?  Sure... Did I cry? You bet...It hurt!  No other way around it... Stuff like that sucks, but it did make me wanna work out, not eat a snickers!  I am going to channel that frustration at the gym in the morning so that this cannot ever happen again. 

Now if you excuse me, my baby belly is growling for some more salad.  After all, I am eating for two apparently...

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