Monday, May 2, 2011

Initial Stats-May 1st, 2011

Even though I told myself I would be honest on here, brutally or not, I spent all day thinking about whether to release my actual weight/measurements, as I am horrified that I let myself gain this much weight back.  Then I decided... Go Big or Go Home... I wanna Go Big--well actually I'd like to go skinny, but gotta get there first!  Not proud by this, but here it is-

May 1st 
Weigh in: 183.2 pounds (gross)
Bust: 40 inches (whooooo only bonus to gaining weight-the girls get bigger without spending $5K)
Stomach: 37 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Jean size: 10/12 (so clearly some is muscle!)

I was upset about my weight, but then also remembered I am coming off vacation last week where we drank all day and night, and I get my period in 7 days... Never a good time to weigh in, but regardless that is what the scale said.... Even though I did stand on it for about 5 minutes swearing that starvation would kick in and it would miraculously drop to 145.... It didn't. 

My next weigh in will be June 1st and a reminder is already set in my phone.  I will need help losing the weight as of right now, I have a lot to lose! 

1 comment:

  1. Ash - You're awesome and amazing just as you are! But I completely support and admire you for doing this. You are one bad a$$ chick and I'm so lucky to have you as a friend! Let's go run soon! Much love - Jen
