Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Workout Routines/Supplements

Because I work out with a partner, I am sticking to a basic routine.  I teach 4 spin classes a week, and run with my mom early in the am (when I can get out bed!) twice a week, and then do weights 5/6 days a week.

Sunday- Spin Class, Bi's Tri's & Shoulders
Monday-Run, Chest, Spin Class
Tuesday-Legs, Spin Class
Wednesday-Run, Back, Spin Class
Thursday-Spin Class, Bi's Tri's & Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday-OFF (Whooo)

I am a firm believer in switching up your routines after a few months, so I just went from a 4x15 split to a 3x?? split.  The ?? because I am not counting reps, but going until muscle failure.  I try to stick with a weight heavy enough for 10-12 reps, but again that is not my main goal-if I can only get 9 with good form, that is where I stop.  I like this routine because it goes by quick, leaves me breathless, and I am always sore!  In 6-8 weeks, I will be switching back to a 6x8 program-I think. 

I by no means am an expert, but I do believe if you eat a sensible diet, you should not have to rely on supplements!  I think that a supplement should be taken along with a healthy diet, not instead of one!  I carry the Advocare product "Catalyst" with me for when I am out and about and not able to sit an eat a healthy meal- It provides protein in a pill form so that my body stays energized and I don't eat off the muscle I am trying hard to build!  Besides that, I am taking the following:

Optimum Nutrition-Whey Protein
Cellucor-C4, and M5 (not pictured)
Multi-Vitamin-Active Women

I have recently started taking the C4 or M5 and am REALLY impressed!  It's a pre-workout creatine nitrate supplement.  They seem very similar actually with the M5 focusing only slightly more on muscle growth.  The C4 is more affordable so right now I have been taking it 4 days a week and the M5 only 2, but am considering doing an equal 3/3 split. 

The vitamins are just because everyone says to take em.  I don't notice anything really, but it's only been a few days!  I don't eat fish, although I am determined to try to get there, so I do believe in taking the Omega-3 supplement.  Gotta get the healthy fats in there some how!  I do notice that if I take the vitamin packs on an empty stomach, I get queasy during my workouts.  I have to make sure that I eat... No if ands or buts about it. 

The protein powder I take post-workout.  I do a simple 1 scoop with water, or if I use as a meal, I take 1 scoop protein powder, 1/4 cup frozen unsweetened berries, 1/2 cup Light&Fit fat free vanilla yogurt, 4 ounces light V8 juice, and 1 medium banana and blend together.  I will also take the protein powder as a snack during the day if I am on the go or not really hungry- Its an easy way to get 24g of protein in about 130 calories. 

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