Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 3

It's been a lil' while since I have written about progress... It is now around the end of week three, and I will say that I feel good.  Not Great.  This week I BUSTED my butt in the gym, but it still is a struggle to get the motivation mentally I once had.  I was just speaking with a lady at work who is also trying to lose her last 15 pounds and my suggestion to her was to add something new... So, why am I not doing the same?!  

Last week was my birthday and mom took me to do the zipline in Sanford.  It was a fun way to spend two hours and still be active...Very active in fact... Swinging from trees and hurling myself across parking lots... Oh yes, I do have pictures and video of Ashley flying across ziplines and ending up wrapped around a tree... I will have to post when they are uploaded.  While I burned some calories, I do not think I burned off my dinner and dessert from Cheesecake Factory that night.... Or the 3 glasses of wine... BUT that was my cheat day and I stuck to my rule... "Go Big or Go Home".  However, I have been trying to be extra careful about what goes in my mouth... I have been watching, but not eliminating carbs, and sadly, very very very sadly I have been eliminating alcohol.  Sigh.  Tear.  Sigh again.

I started running again this week after having taken some time off.  I threw a little "miss priss" tantrum one morning, swearing that I HATE running, and that I DON'T wanna do this anymore... Yea well it lasted a few weeks and then that little runner bug came biting back.  Like mom and I said this week, I think once you're a runner, you can take time off, but you are always a runner at heart.  So this guy I met showed me this Nike Running App which seemed pretty cool so I downloaded it also.  I do like it... BUT what I like MORE then the App, is that it allows me to post my runs on FaceBook... The longest one I have seen him do is 3.56 miles... my SHORTEST one was 4.01(I really hope he doesn't follow this blog...) --- Competitive nature much?  Yup... But who cares, I still win.  If being more amazing then him holds me accountable to running-I'll take it.... And I wonder why I am single?!  :)

My body has seemed to accept that I am in diet mode, and the starvation feeling has finally stopped.  I am very careful to only eat when I am actually hungry not because I am bored-however I am also very careful to make sure I take in protein every 2-3 hours.  I have been eating, well drinking really, a lot of protein smoothies because they give me a good healthy protein/carb ratio and they are light and refreshing while its only 900 degrees outside.  It's not uncommon for me to have one for breakfast and lunch because it really is what I am craving.  I will say that I notice myself the hungriest when I am ready for bed... Lovely... My bodies own way of trying to make me fatter! Lets crave food at 11 pm so it can just stick on my insides all night.

So let's see- I have 13 days to my next weigh in.  I am pretty confident it will be down some, but maybe not as much as I was originally hoping for.  If I can step it up the next two weeks, I think I will be pleasantly surprised.  I am going to take my own advice to the lady at work and try to add something new in every day.  I am not sure yet, but I have some ideas- Swimming, Yoga, Treadmill Walking, Stair Death Chamber- I mean Climber.... I'd say rollar blading but this quest is about achieving my fullest healthiest potential... Not suicidal thoughts.  We will see how the next two weeks go!

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