Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Miss Me?!

So I am sure by now you all thought to yourselves, "Ashley quit, she gave up, this weight loss stuff is hard...." Well no I didn't.  Life has been interesting to say the least.  Let me do a quick recap- Missed August's weigh in for a legit reason, lost my job, went on vacation, and now am living the life for an unemployed-can't spend a penny-sit on your butt searching for hours a day trying to find a new job-person.  Now for the details.  

August 1st weigh in:  I decided not to weigh in simply due to my work schedule.  I had worked really really hard that month, and because of my vacation I had to pull 4, 12 hour shifts back to back, getting off of work August 1st at 7 am.  On any given weekend that I work,  I could easily be 6 pounds higher then normal, so after eating rabbit food, busting my butt in the gym, and controlling my snacking, I was NOT getting on the scale, especially seeing as there were additional hormonal considerations too.  My plan was to weigh in when I got back from vacation.... With the intention of making me watch carefully what I ate on vacation.  
Losing my job: Oh that's right... After 2 years of flawless-and I do mean flawless employment, I was rewarded by my director calling me as I sat on the plane (literally) telling me to look for a new job.  Thank you Fish Memorial, now go jump off a cliff and land on a pile of rusty AIDS infected needles please.  What's the first thing a chubster does when they get bad news?  Eat.... Whats the first thing an alcoholic does when they get bad news?  Drink... Whats the first thing I did after I got the bad news?  Ran... and to this day I cannot tell you why I didn't go for the tequila.  Running in Georgia which practically has mountains bigger then I've seen was not easy.  I did really well on my vacation- I ate healthy clean foods, I only drank 3 ounces... yes 3, not 30 ounces, of red wine, and was as active as I could be with taking care of twins, I went for a little run every day, went to the gym most nights and changed diapers in between... (See Picture Below) I spent $7.44 on vacation, and ironically it was on Frozen Yogurt haha... However, when I flew back home, reality set in and the fact that I could lose everything I have worked hard for began to be over whelming.  I started looking for a job right away, and am just now getting call backs.  Since I still work PT at the gym, my membership is free... I also cant spend any money, and in about 3 months my car is going to get repo'ed- so the way I look at getting fired??? I am fixin' to be in the best shape ever!  Thank you Fish Memorial.... Now all you creepy doctors, nurses, and janitorial staff who tried hitting on me while I worked there... Come throw your dollars at me while I dance around a stripper pole because I can't find honest work!  I'll make you holla for a dolla whoop whoop
Life as a bum: I sleep, wake up early to job hunt, go to the gym, come home, go to the gym, practice voodoo on Fish Memorial, come home, go to the gym, come home, practice voodoo on Fish Memorial, go to the gym....And repeat.  I have done yoga 4 times this week, pilates once, signed up to TEACH a pilates class (what the hell was I smoking) and have made new spin playlists.  Results... I feel PHENOMENAL.  Seriously, I feel the best that I have in a long time... Take that Fish Memorial and shove it.... I have already lost weight, inches, and can see definition in places I am not sure should be seen.  I have managed to get myself in yoga positions that I didn't think possible and even out of them without being on a stretcher.  All in all, I am doing OK.  I have my moments thats for sure, am still actively making my hit list... Tammy, your number 1 babe... Watch out :) but all in all, I am going to be OK.  I have a great family, great friends, a free gym membership, and working on a great body... Life as a bum sure is fun!  Now my poor spinning followers may disagree.... See picture below-

And that was after 1 one hour class.  Awweee yea....

So there is a little recap on my life so far.  I am going to weigh in September 1st like usual, so stayed tuned for those details.  I will say though, that so far, I have lost 1 inch off my stomach, and approx. 2 pounds.  Doesnt seem like a lot- I agree!  I really feel it though so I am telling myself that's all that matters.... I met this new hot little number, who's goal is to eat himself out of house and home trying to GAIN weight (I don't know why we still are talking either... I eat carrots, he eats 9 meals a day... :) Oh that's right... he's hot.)  He has a passion for achieving his fitness goals as well (even though they are almost opposite of mine) so being around someone who isn't tempting me with eating out or drinking all the time is a really nice thing.  Maybe this guy stuff isn't so bad after all!  

Missed you all, and hope you missed me! 

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