Thursday, July 14, 2011

Advocare Herbal Cleanse

Well it's that time again... Cleanse Time that is... Whoooo Hooo. 

Nothing glamorous about this stage in the game, but after I did this the last time, I do believe that it is essential in a healthy lifestyle.  I am obviously doing Advocare's cleanse because I 1- Have done it in the past, and 2- Get a discount.  It's a 10 day cleanse so it is very mild and safe- won't leave you stranded within 10 feet of a bathroom at all times... Peaches and Cream is the way to go.... Actually, I don't think I would do it again if I had to EVER drink the citrus one again. 

You start off every morning taking a fiber drink with breakfast, and then at night is when you take the cleansers--- It's when all the gastrointestinal magic happens :) Then, towards the end of the 10 cycle, you also start adding in a pro biotic.  I did take my weight for the first day, just to see if I lose anything-- Can't share those numbers though because it's cheating for my August 1st weigh in...

Here is me chugging Day 1!  Yes, I am in a towel, Yes I just got out of the shower, and Yes I chugged quickly! 

In 10 days, I will post how I felt, and how much I lost!!!  Here's to a CLEAN 10 days!

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