Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where the heck have I been?!?

The short answer... In love ;) It's grand I tell ya, and also a diet breaker!

So this post will have to be short and sweet because I am at work- however, they now have a Blogger app so I am able to do it on the go...Blog that is ;)

So where we left off is not important- but here is a recap of my final weigh in:

Weight: 174.3
Stomach: 33 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Boobs: 38.5 inches

So you can see from my previous weigh in, I did go down some.... However, going out to dinner, drinking more often, changing jobs and workout schedules have all changed that!!! I have NO clue where I am at now, other then not feeling at my best--- so, I started running again! I will weigh in again on Dec 1st and start tracking numbers all over again! Until then....