Thursday, July 14, 2011

Advocare Herbal Cleanse

Well it's that time again... Cleanse Time that is... Whoooo Hooo. 

Nothing glamorous about this stage in the game, but after I did this the last time, I do believe that it is essential in a healthy lifestyle.  I am obviously doing Advocare's cleanse because I 1- Have done it in the past, and 2- Get a discount.  It's a 10 day cleanse so it is very mild and safe- won't leave you stranded within 10 feet of a bathroom at all times... Peaches and Cream is the way to go.... Actually, I don't think I would do it again if I had to EVER drink the citrus one again. 

You start off every morning taking a fiber drink with breakfast, and then at night is when you take the cleansers--- It's when all the gastrointestinal magic happens :) Then, towards the end of the 10 cycle, you also start adding in a pro biotic.  I did take my weight for the first day, just to see if I lose anything-- Can't share those numbers though because it's cheating for my August 1st weigh in...

Here is me chugging Day 1!  Yes, I am in a towel, Yes I just got out of the shower, and Yes I chugged quickly! 

In 10 days, I will post how I felt, and how much I lost!!!  Here's to a CLEAN 10 days!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Back Workouts

I had my brother take some pictures of my favorite back exercises, but the gym was busy that day and quite frankly I get embarrassed, so there are only a few.  I love back day so I do so many more workouts then what is pictured... I am hoping to workout with this guy one day on back so he can show me some more ideas----- or just so I can stare at his huge muscles :) either one works for me... you choose what to believe!

Lat Pull Down:
I can go relatively heavy- or at least I like to believe so for a girl!  Some people move their upper body when they do this and quite frankly I want to smack em every time!  Wrong!!!  And bad form, so even though they can go heavier then maybe I can- what good is it doing?  Also, I like to pause and hold every time my hands are near my chest- Gets a good burn going!  Makes for a skinnier looking waist ladies!  It's all about faking it... (That's what she said!)

Close Grip Lat Pull Down:
Same thing, yet I usually have to go a little lighter.  Really targets the inner upper back muscles! 

Straight Arm Pull Downs-
My favorite by far!  I love this one because if you suck in while doing it, your stomach looks flat and your butt looks bigger... All an illusion of your imagination, but for those few short moments of not breathing... I am a skinny curvy little salsa dancer... Then breathing becomes essential :) (Please excuse my faces in these pictures... I had just seen an OLD ex and breathing was really limited so I would look skinnier- I ain't afraid to tell the truth shoot!)

Again, I do a lot more then just these three- but I am not trying to look like one of those snobby girls who thinks she should be photographed at the gym... Can't stand that!!!  So I called the picture taking sessions off after my dear sweet (jerk) ex was there!  I still gotta get the Shoulders/Bi's/Tri's day photos!