Saturday, April 30, 2011

Before and After Photos

Probably around 195lbs there...TRYING to look athletic

My senoir year in High School... About 180lbs

My mother, friend, and running partner-Disney 10K

A bikini shot?!  Never did I dream I would take one of those!

Seasons 52 5K

Introduction- 5/1/2011

For my whole life I can remember my weight always being a blocker.  I struggled as a child with "baby fat", a young teen being "chubby", and an older teen being "fat".  My afternoons consisted of Mac and Cheese, watching TV, and taking a nap.  I was LAZY- no other way around it.  My sister on the other hand was blonde haired, blue eyed, crazy smart, and skinny.  My mother and father resembled Barbie and Ken, and my little brother was tagging along in line just fine.  I was the token fat kid. 

My mom was and still is a health nut.  She was a big supporter of me losing weight as a child with taking me to Weight Watcher meetings and rewarding me when I would lose 10 pounds.  When I decided to do the South Beach diet, she was buying and cooking me food all the time.  She would go out of her way to make sure my dinner was carb free while the rest of them enjoyed mouth watering pasta.  (Let's face it, when you're fat and eating nothing but salad and meat, even the dirtiest of potatoes looks amazing lying on the ground!!) I certainly had a great support system at home... So why was I still a chubster?! 

I always said I would never get to 200lbs... Right.  It's not like Mac and Cheese will just stop cooking when I get there or that Taco Bell will no longer serve me because I am 200lbs... I don't know why I thought I would never get there, but I sure as hell did get there.  I went to the Dr's in October 2006 for migraines (no kidding) and weighed in at 201 lbs.  I will NEVER forget that horrible feeling watching the nurse move the weight from the 150 to the 200 pound mark.  I sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come in barely breathing.  While that day was very rough on me mentally-it was just what the doctor order (pun intended).  I took that wretched 201 lbs and vowed to kick its ass.  And that I did. 

It wasn't easy really but I was so driven that it wasn't hard.  I let myself have one last cheat meal before my diet started two days later... My cheat meal consisted of a grilled stuffed burrito, a crunch wrap supreme, and a nacho supreme from Taco Bell... Hello heart attack!  My name is Ashley, how have you been?!  The very next morning, I was at the gym. 

I can be neurotic about things let's face it, so I promised to only weigh myself the 1st Saturday of every month.  I limited my first month to 1500 calories a day, and working out 3 times a week-occasionally more.  I also stopped drinking alcohol all together......... sorry, I think a piece of me died a little when I typed that.  Doom's Day came (AKA the 1st Saturday of the month) and I woke up, went pee, stripped down naked, and stepped on the scale.  I was at 188. I surpassed the 190's entirely, and I was one happy camper!  Over the next few months I decreased my calories to 1200 and upped my gym time to 5 days a week, twice a day.  I would do cardio in the am, and weights after work, I would eat oat meal, whole grain toast, salad with fat free dressings, lean meats, fruits, ect... By Christmas I was down 27 pounds... and by May 2007, I was at 154.  More impressive to me was that when I was 201 lbs I was wearing a size 16/18, and at 154 lbs, I was buying 10's.... The only thing in my wardrobe I had close to a 10 was maybe my shoes but certainly not something that covered my duff... and ACTUALLY covered it.  Life was great and I was happy (insert skinny dance here). 

I ended up meeting and falling head over heels for my cute spin instructor-cliche, I know!  He had the same past as a fat kid like me so we both understood what it was like, and what it took to be healthy... We also both have a love for food.  Not carrots, but real food-covered in cheese and heart stopping yumminess... Over the next two years, despite our best efforts, we both managed to gain weight.  When we broke up in September 2009, I was back to 178lbs.  The break up was probably the roughest thing I have gone through yet.  I was devastated, pissed off, sad, anxious you name it, I was it.  Gotta love my mom!  The only time I didn't feel emotions lower then the Grand Canyon was when I was running... So running we did... and we did it a LOT!!!  I think I ran through the first 11 days post break up, resulting in a 16 pound loss in 30 days.  Despite the fact that my ex and I remained close, I still wanted him to kick his ass the first time he saw me... Unfortunately, he was also on the divorce diet and also looked great.  I was able to channel my emotions into getting healthy again and staying back on track.  It worked well for a while, but now..... My motivation is lack.

That is the point of this blog.  I am dedicating my summer to getting my amazingness back.  I am dedicating the next few months to purely spoil myself, be greedy with me time, and reach my goals.  I lack the motivation I once had, but I know its within arms reach.  I will be doing the same exact thing I did when I first lost the weight.  I have a program for working out and nutrition and I will stick with it.  I will only weigh myself once a fact I am giving my scale away so I am not tempted.  I am taking measurements once a month.  I am doing this publicly so that I am held accountable and so I stay focused on my goals.  I will post pictures, both good and bad, and I will be honest about my feelings/cravings ect.  I can promise that there will be good days, bad days, funny days, tempting days, and tired days... But I am making a promise to myself to be an even more amazing me by summers end.